⇦ | pje-office [manjariando]
Last updated on: 2024-04-16 12:18 [-03]

Hints for pje-office in manjariando

br.jus.pje_office.desktop ⚙ x86_64


  • asv-spdx-license-unknown
    br.jus.pje-office.metainfo.xml:5 - GPL
    The license ID was not found in the SPDX database. Please check that the license ID is written in an SPDX-conformant way and is a valid free software license.


  • asv-url-not-secure
    br.jus.pje-office.metainfo.xml:147 - http://www.pje.jus.br
    Consider using a secure (HTTPS) URL for this web link.
  • asv-content-rating-missing
    br.jus.pje-office.metainfo.xml -
    This component has no `content_rating` tag to provide age rating information. You can generate the tag data online by answering a few questions at https://hughsie.github.io/oars/
  • asv-developer-info-missing
    br.jus.pje-office.metainfo.xml -
    This component contains no `developer` element with information about its author.