⇦ | epson-printer-utility [manjariando]
Last updated on: 2024-09-06 08:32 [-03]

Hints for epson-printer-utility in manjariando

com.epson-printer-utility.desktop ⚙ x86_64


  • asv-cid-rdns-contains-hyphen
    com.epson-printer-utility.metainfo.xml:3 - com.epson-printer-utility.desktop
    The component ID contains a hyphen/minus in its domain part. Using a hyphen is strongly discouraged to improve interoperability with other tools such as D-Bus. A good option is to replace any hyphens with underscores (`_`). Hyphens are only allowed in the last segment of a component ID.
  • asv-type-property-required
    com.epson-printer-utility.metainfo.xml:137 - url (epson.comhttps://epson.com/Support/Printers)
    This tag requires a type property.
  • asv-url-invalid-type
    com.epson-printer-utility.metainfo.xml:137 - (null)
    Invalid `type` property for this `url` tag. URLs of this type are not known in the AppStream specification.
  • asv-web-url-expected
    com.epson-printer-utility.metainfo.xml:137 - epson.comhttps://epson.com/Support/Printers
    A web URL was expected for this value.
  • asv-url-homepage-missing
    com.epson-printer-utility.metainfo.xml -
    This component is missing an `url` element of type `homepage` to link to the project's homepage.


  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    com.epson-printer-utility.metainfo.xml:41 - Monitor program for Epson InkJet Printer Driver.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-developer-info-missing
    com.epson-printer-utility.metainfo.xml -
    This component contains no `developer` element with information about its author.