⇦ | opensnitch-git [manjariando]
Last updated on: 2024-09-06 08:32 [-03]

Metadata for opensnitch-git in manjariando

com.opensnitch_ui.desktop - 1.6.3.r153-1 ⚙ x86_64

<component type="desktop-application">
  <summary xml:lang="ar">OpenSnitch هو جدار حماية لتطبيق GNU / Linux</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="bg">OpenSnitch е защитна стена на GNU/Linux приложение</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="bs">OpenSnitch je zaštitni zid GNU/Linux aplikacije</summary>
  <summary>OpenSnitch is a GNU/Linux application firewall</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="cs">OpenSnitch je aplikační firewall GNU/Linux</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="da">OpenSnitch er en GNU/Linux -applikations firewall</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="de">OpenSnitch ist eine GNU/Linux-Anwendungsfirewall</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="el">Το OpenSnitch είναι ένα τείχος προστασίας εφαρμογών GNU/Linux</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="en_GB">OpenSnitch is a GNU/Linux application firewall</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="en_ZA">OpenSnitch is a GNU/Linux application firewall</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="es">OpenSnitch es un firewall de aplicaciones GNU / Linux</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="et">OpenSnitch on GNU/Linuxi rakenduste tulemüür</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="fi">OpenSnitch on GNU/Linux -sovellusten palomuuri</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="fr">OpenSnitch est un pare-feu applicatif GNU/Linux</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="he">OpenSnitch היא חומת אש של יישומי GNU/Linuxלש חותיפה ףנעל םוגרת</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="hr">OpenSnitch je GNU/Linux aplikacijski vatrozid</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="hu">Az OpenSnitch egy GNU/Linux alkalmazás tűzfal</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="id">OpenSnitch adalah firewall aplikasi GNU/Linux</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="is">OpenSnitch er GNU/Linux forrit eldveggur</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="it">OpenSnitch è un firewall per applicazioni GNU/Linux</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="ja">OpenSnitchはGNU / Linuxアプリケーションファイアウォールです</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="km">OpenSnitch គឺជាជញ្ជាំងភ្លើងកម្មវិធី GNU/Linux</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="ko">"OpenSnitch는 GNU/Linux 애플리케이션 방화벽입니다."</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="nl">OpenSnitch is een GNU/Linux-toepassingsfirewall</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="pl">OpenSnitch to firewall aplikacji GNU/Linux</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="pt">OpenSnitch é um firewall de aplicativo GNU / Linux</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="pt_BR">OpenSnitch é um firewall de aplicativo GNU / Linux</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="ro">OpenSnitch este un firewall pentru aplicații GNU / Linux</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="ru">OpenSnitch - это брандмауэр приложений GNU / Linux</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="sk">OpenSnitch je firewall aplikácií GNU/Linux</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="sl">OpenSnitch je požarni zid aplikacije GNU/Linux</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="tr">OpenSnitch, bir GNU/Linux uygulama güvenlik duvarıdır</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="uk">OpenSnitch - це брандмауер програми GNU/Linux</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="vi">OpenSnitch là một tường lửa ứng dụng GNU / Linux</summary>
  <description xml:lang="ar">
    <p>OpenSnitch هو منفذ GNU / Linux لجدار حماية تطبيق Little Snitch</p>
  <description xml:lang="bg">
    <p>OpenSnitch е GNU/Linux порт на защитната стена на приложението Little Snitch</p>
  <description xml:lang="bs">
    <p>OpenSnitch je GNU/Linux port zaštitnog zida aplikacije Little Snitch</p>
    <p>OpenSnitch is a GNU/Linux port of the Little Snitch application firewall</p>
  <description xml:lang="cs">
    <p>OpenSnitch je port GNU/Linux brány firewall aplikace Little Snitch</p>
  <description xml:lang="da">
    <p>OpenSnitch er en GNU/Linux -port i Little Snitch -programmets firewall</p>
  <description xml:lang="de">
    <p>OpenSnitch ist eine GNU/Linux-Portierung der Little Snitch Application Firewall</p>
  <description xml:lang="el">
    <p>Το OpenSnitch είναι μια θύρα GNU/Linux του τείχους προστασίας της εφαρμογής Little Snitch</p>
  <description xml:lang="en_GB">
    <p>OpenSnitch is a GNU/Linux port of the Little Snitch application firewall</p>
  <description xml:lang="en_ZA">
    <p>OpenSnitch is a GNU/Linux port of the Little Snitch application firewall</p>
  <description xml:lang="es">
    <p>OpenSnitch es un puerto GNU / Linux del firewall de la aplicación Little Snitch</p>
  <description xml:lang="et">
    <p>OpenSnitch on rakenduse Little Snitch tulemüüri GNU/Linuxi port</p>
  <description xml:lang="fi">
    <p>OpenSnitch on Little Snitch -sovelluksen palomuurin GNU/Linux -portti</p>
  <description xml:lang="fr">
    <p>OpenSnitch est un portage GNU/Linux du pare-feu applicatif Little Snitch</p>
  <description xml:lang="he">
    <p>   OpenSnitch היא יציאת GNU/Linux של חומת האש של Little Snitch</p>
  <description xml:lang="hr">
    <p>OpenSnitch je GNU/Linux priključak vatrozida aplikacije Little Snitch</p>
  <description xml:lang="hu">
    <p>Az OpenSnitch a Little Snitch alkalmazás tűzfalának GNU/Linux portja</p>
  <description xml:lang="id">
    <p>OpenSnitch adalah port GNU/Linux dari firewall aplikasi Little Snitch</p>
  <description xml:lang="is">
    <p>OpenSnitch er GNU/Linux tengi eldveggar Little Snitch forritsins</p>
  <description xml:lang="it">
    <p>OpenSnitch è una porta GNU/Linux del firewall dell'applicazione Little Snitch</p>
  <description xml:lang="ja">
    <p>OpenSnitchは、LittleSnitchアプリケーションファイアウォールのGNU / Linuxポートです。</p>
  <description xml:lang="km">
    <p>OpenSnitch គឺជាកំពង់ផែ GNU/លីនុចនៃជញ្ជាំងភ្លើងកម្មវិធី Little Snitch</p>
  <description xml:lang="ko">
    <p>"OpenSnitch는 Little Snitch 애플리케이션 방화벽의 GNU/Linux 포트입니다."</p>
  <description xml:lang="nl">
    <p>OpenSnitch is een GNU/Linux-poort van de Little Snitch-toepassingsfirewall</p>
  <description xml:lang="pl">
    <p>OpenSnitch to port GNU/Linux zapory aplikacji Little Snitch</p>
  <description xml:lang="pt">
    <p>OpenSnitch é uma porta GNU / Linux do firewall de aplicativo Little Snitch</p>
  <description xml:lang="pt_BR">
    <p>OpenSnitch é uma porta GNU / Linux do firewall de aplicativo Little Snitch</p>
  <description xml:lang="ro">
    <p>OpenSnitch este un port GNU / Linux al firewall-ului aplicației Little Snitch</p>
  <description xml:lang="ru">
    <p>OpenSnitch - это порт GNU / Linux для брандмауэра приложения Little Snitch.</p>
  <description xml:lang="sk">
    <p>OpenSnitch je port GNU/Linux brány firewall aplikácie Little Snitch</p>
  <description xml:lang="sl">
    <p>OpenSnitch je vrata GNU/Linux požarnega zidu aplikacije Little Snitch</p>
  <description xml:lang="tr">
    <p>OpenSnitch, Little Snitch uygulama güvenlik duvarının bir GNU/Linux bağlantı noktasıdır</p>
  <description xml:lang="uk">
    <p>OpenSnitch - це порт GNU/Linux брандмауера програми Little Snitch</p>
  <description xml:lang="vi">
    <p>OpenSnitch là một cổng GNU / Linux của tường lửa ứng dụng Little Snitch</p>
  <launchable type="desktop-id">com.opensnitch_ui.desktop</launchable>
  <icon type="cached" width="48" height="48">opensnitch-git_opensnitch-ui.png</icon>
  <icon type="cached" width="64" height="64">opensnitch-git_opensnitch-ui.png</icon>
  <icon type="cached" width="128" height="128">opensnitch-git_opensnitch-ui.png</icon>
  <icon type="stock">opensnitch-ui</icon>
    <screenshot type="default">
      <image type="source">https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gustavo-iniguez-goya/opensnitch/main/screenshots/screenshot.png</image>
      <image type="source">https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gustavo-iniguez-goya/opensnitch/main/screenshots/opensnitch-ui-general-tab-deny.png</image>
      <image type="source">https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gustavo-iniguez-goya/opensnitch/main/screenshots/opensnitch-ui-proc-details.png</image>

com.opensnitch_ui.desktop - 1.6.3.r152-1 ⚙ aarch64

<component type="desktop-application">
  <summary xml:lang="ar">OpenSnitch هو جدار حماية لتطبيق GNU / Linux</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="bg">OpenSnitch е защитна стена на GNU/Linux приложение</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="bs">OpenSnitch je zaštitni zid GNU/Linux aplikacije</summary>
  <summary>OpenSnitch is a GNU/Linux application firewall</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="cs">OpenSnitch je aplikační firewall GNU/Linux</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="da">OpenSnitch er en GNU/Linux -applikations firewall</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="de">OpenSnitch ist eine GNU/Linux-Anwendungsfirewall</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="el">Το OpenSnitch είναι ένα τείχος προστασίας εφαρμογών GNU/Linux</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="en_GB">OpenSnitch is a GNU/Linux application firewall</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="en_ZA">OpenSnitch is a GNU/Linux application firewall</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="es">OpenSnitch es un firewall de aplicaciones GNU / Linux</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="et">OpenSnitch on GNU/Linuxi rakenduste tulemüür</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="fi">OpenSnitch on GNU/Linux -sovellusten palomuuri</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="fr">OpenSnitch est un pare-feu applicatif GNU/Linux</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="he">OpenSnitch היא חומת אש של יישומי GNU/Linuxלש חותיפה ףנעל םוגרת</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="hr">OpenSnitch je GNU/Linux aplikacijski vatrozid</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="hu">Az OpenSnitch egy GNU/Linux alkalmazás tűzfal</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="id">OpenSnitch adalah firewall aplikasi GNU/Linux</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="is">OpenSnitch er GNU/Linux forrit eldveggur</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="it">OpenSnitch è un firewall per applicazioni GNU/Linux</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="ja">OpenSnitchはGNU / Linuxアプリケーションファイアウォールです</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="km">OpenSnitch គឺជាជញ្ជាំងភ្លើងកម្មវិធី GNU/Linux</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="ko">"OpenSnitch는 GNU/Linux 애플리케이션 방화벽입니다."</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="nl">OpenSnitch is een GNU/Linux-toepassingsfirewall</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="pl">OpenSnitch to firewall aplikacji GNU/Linux</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="pt">OpenSnitch é um firewall de aplicativo GNU / Linux</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="pt_BR">OpenSnitch é um firewall de aplicativo GNU / Linux</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="ro">OpenSnitch este un firewall pentru aplicații GNU / Linux</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="ru">OpenSnitch - это брандмауэр приложений GNU / Linux</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="sk">OpenSnitch je firewall aplikácií GNU/Linux</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="sl">OpenSnitch je požarni zid aplikacije GNU/Linux</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="tr">OpenSnitch, bir GNU/Linux uygulama güvenlik duvarıdır</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="uk">OpenSnitch - це брандмауер програми GNU/Linux</summary>
  <summary xml:lang="vi">OpenSnitch là một tường lửa ứng dụng GNU / Linux</summary>
  <description xml:lang="ar">
    <p>OpenSnitch هو منفذ GNU / Linux لجدار حماية تطبيق Little Snitch</p>
  <description xml:lang="bg">
    <p>OpenSnitch е GNU/Linux порт на защитната стена на приложението Little Snitch</p>
  <description xml:lang="bs">
    <p>OpenSnitch je GNU/Linux port zaštitnog zida aplikacije Little Snitch</p>
    <p>OpenSnitch is a GNU/Linux port of the Little Snitch application firewall</p>
  <description xml:lang="cs">
    <p>OpenSnitch je port GNU/Linux brány firewall aplikace Little Snitch</p>
  <description xml:lang="da">
    <p>OpenSnitch er en GNU/Linux -port i Little Snitch -programmets firewall</p>
  <description xml:lang="de">
    <p>OpenSnitch ist eine GNU/Linux-Portierung der Little Snitch Application Firewall</p>
  <description xml:lang="el">
    <p>Το OpenSnitch είναι μια θύρα GNU/Linux του τείχους προστασίας της εφαρμογής Little Snitch</p>
  <description xml:lang="en_GB">
    <p>OpenSnitch is a GNU/Linux port of the Little Snitch application firewall</p>
  <description xml:lang="en_ZA">
    <p>OpenSnitch is a GNU/Linux port of the Little Snitch application firewall</p>
  <description xml:lang="es">
    <p>OpenSnitch es un puerto GNU / Linux del firewall de la aplicación Little Snitch</p>
  <description xml:lang="et">
    <p>OpenSnitch on rakenduse Little Snitch tulemüüri GNU/Linuxi port</p>
  <description xml:lang="fi">
    <p>OpenSnitch on Little Snitch -sovelluksen palomuurin GNU/Linux -portti</p>
  <description xml:lang="fr">
    <p>OpenSnitch est un portage GNU/Linux du pare-feu applicatif Little Snitch</p>
  <description xml:lang="he">
    <p>   OpenSnitch היא יציאת GNU/Linux של חומת האש של Little Snitch</p>
  <description xml:lang="hr">
    <p>OpenSnitch je GNU/Linux priključak vatrozida aplikacije Little Snitch</p>
  <description xml:lang="hu">
    <p>Az OpenSnitch a Little Snitch alkalmazás tűzfalának GNU/Linux portja</p>
  <description xml:lang="id">
    <p>OpenSnitch adalah port GNU/Linux dari firewall aplikasi Little Snitch</p>
  <description xml:lang="is">
    <p>OpenSnitch er GNU/Linux tengi eldveggar Little Snitch forritsins</p>
  <description xml:lang="it">
    <p>OpenSnitch è una porta GNU/Linux del firewall dell'applicazione Little Snitch</p>
  <description xml:lang="ja">
    <p>OpenSnitchは、LittleSnitchアプリケーションファイアウォールのGNU / Linuxポートです。</p>
  <description xml:lang="km">
    <p>OpenSnitch គឺជាកំពង់ផែ GNU/លីនុចនៃជញ្ជាំងភ្លើងកម្មវិធី Little Snitch</p>
  <description xml:lang="ko">
    <p>"OpenSnitch는 Little Snitch 애플리케이션 방화벽의 GNU/Linux 포트입니다."</p>
  <description xml:lang="nl">
    <p>OpenSnitch is een GNU/Linux-poort van de Little Snitch-toepassingsfirewall</p>
  <description xml:lang="pl">
    <p>OpenSnitch to port GNU/Linux zapory aplikacji Little Snitch</p>
  <description xml:lang="pt">
    <p>OpenSnitch é uma porta GNU / Linux do firewall de aplicativo Little Snitch</p>
  <description xml:lang="pt_BR">
    <p>OpenSnitch é uma porta GNU / Linux do firewall de aplicativo Little Snitch</p>
  <description xml:lang="ro">
    <p>OpenSnitch este un port GNU / Linux al firewall-ului aplicației Little Snitch</p>
  <description xml:lang="ru">
    <p>OpenSnitch - это порт GNU / Linux для брандмауэра приложения Little Snitch.</p>
  <description xml:lang="sk">
    <p>OpenSnitch je port GNU/Linux brány firewall aplikácie Little Snitch</p>
  <description xml:lang="sl">
    <p>OpenSnitch je vrata GNU/Linux požarnega zidu aplikacije Little Snitch</p>
  <description xml:lang="tr">
    <p>OpenSnitch, Little Snitch uygulama güvenlik duvarının bir GNU/Linux bağlantı noktasıdır</p>
  <description xml:lang="uk">
    <p>OpenSnitch - це порт GNU/Linux брандмауера програми Little Snitch</p>
  <description xml:lang="vi">
    <p>OpenSnitch là một cổng GNU / Linux của tường lửa ứng dụng Little Snitch</p>
  <launchable type="desktop-id">com.opensnitch_ui.desktop</launchable>
  <icon type="cached" width="48" height="48">opensnitch-git_opensnitch-ui.png</icon>
  <icon type="cached" width="64" height="64">opensnitch-git_opensnitch-ui.png</icon>
  <icon type="cached" width="128" height="128">opensnitch-git_opensnitch-ui.png</icon>
  <icon type="stock">opensnitch-ui</icon>
    <screenshot type="default">
      <image type="source">https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gustavo-iniguez-goya/opensnitch/main/screenshots/screenshot.png</image>
      <image type="source">https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gustavo-iniguez-goya/opensnitch/main/screenshots/opensnitch-ui-general-tab-deny.png</image>
      <image type="source">https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gustavo-iniguez-goya/opensnitch/main/screenshots/opensnitch-ui-proc-details.png</image>